Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Film Idea - Test Subject 335

Title - Test Subject 335

Genre - Thriller

Storyline - The Story opens with someone at a friends house drinking and playing playstation, The main character leaves and starts walking home drunkenly at night. After some time he realises he is being followed by someone and tries to walk faster. He turns round and finds that the person has stopped chasing him, he turns down an alley and comes face to face with his friend who stabs him and then walks away. The character then dies and as he closes his eyes he wakes up in a bed as the murderer (friend) and is told he has been put into a simulation of what his victim saw before he died. He was in fact the killer but had been put through a simulation to view what his victim had seen.

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