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Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Tuesday, 9 September 2014

Mise-En-Scene for the Psychological Horror Genre


The location of the majority of these films are small lonely towns with no sense of community at all, as well as this, these few inhabitants seem to be oblivious to what is going on in their town/village. The films give off a very lonely and isolated feel and its also typical in the genre to have nobody else believe the victim of the torment.


The lighting of this genre of film are typically very grey scale and tend to make good use of cold colours such as blue, purple and blacks. On the few occasions where warmer colours are used, such as red, they are usually associated with evil and danger.


Pale make-up is used in the Psychological Thriller genre to push across how weak and drained the lead character/s have become due to the torment they are being put through.


Costume is typically what normal people would wear day in day out although the colours usually stay towards the ‘cold’ end of the scale.


Props in Phycological horrors are typically used for things such as guns or weapons.

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