In Physiological Thrillers the costumes are usually just normal everyday clothing in a more modern type of film. However, in an older film there would be blood, gore and dark clothing used. Sometimes white. I think that this is to show innocence in the potential victim. Also, in films the use of children also shows this too. This is then the same with Make-Up. The more modern the film the less make up it gets because of the way technology is modernised and being updated.
- Security Guards
- Everyday People
- A Protagonist
- Antagonist
- Doctors/Nurses

Lighting- Typically used in a Physiological Thriller
- Digital colour correction
- Dim lighting (back lighting)
- Shadows- to create suspense
- Ultra violet- 'blue light'
- Hard light- harshness, clearly illuminates and brings out detail.
- Soft light- covers a wider area with more diffused light.
- Chiaroscuro- a strong contrast with bright light and shadow with a small amount of grey scale. This is used to add enigma to a scene.

Props are needed in order to create a realistic story and narrative. Props are used normally to indicate evil, death and pain. Such things like knifes, guns, ropes, masks etc. These things help in setting the film and in setting the themes and genres of a particular film. This also helps the atmosphere and ambience of the film. Props play a significant part in a film in helping to tell a certain story. They are also used by the actors as equipment. They tell a story without words and express the thoughts and feelings of the characters.
