Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Tuesday, 16 December 2014

Main Poster Research

Film Poster Analysis

This poster from the film "Final Destination" works well as it gives little away about the film whilst still telling the audience the films genre and theme. The poster also highlights the release date of the film in red making it clear to the viewer, the name is also made relevant by it being the largest piece of text on the poster. The colours of the poster also stay towards the darker end of the colour spectrum such as dark blue and blacks, using these colours creates an eerie effect as there is not much to be seen in the darker areas

Monday, 15 December 2014

Radio Trailer Example- The Book of Eli

Book of Eli Radio Trailer

This is the Radio for Book of Eli. This includes when the film will be released, reviews of the film, how many ratings it has got, a rough outline of what the film will be about, key actors and the age rating.

This is something to consider when making our own Radio Trailer.

Our Radio Trailer we need to include:

  • The name of the film
  • Age Rating 
  • Rough Outline of the Film
  • Actors
  • When Released

Poster Research

 I really like this idea for the poster as it adds confusion.

Friday, 12 December 2014

Title Sequence Research

Similar Film - Butterfly Effect

This is a title sequence for a similar film to ours, 'Butterfly Effect'. Intense music plays in the background and actor names and titles are in a written style onto a paper background. It doesn't give much away in the title sequence so it leaves you in suspicion for what the film is about. The first thing we see is the production company 'FILMENGINE presents'.

Se7en Title Sequence

Much like other title sequences it opens with the production company 'New Line Cinema' with a dark sinister music playing in the background giving suggestion of a horror type film. It sets up a audience expectation before the film starts when it has dark images for example the guy scraping skin. Off balanced images are placed behind blurred text to give an assumption off confusion in the film.

Shooting Pack- Girl

Characters Needed:
Name: Scarlett Mathews - (cameron's sister)


  • Brown Hair - long
  • Eye colour - Blue
  • Small height
  • average build
  • Girly bright clothes
  • Well Dressed
  • Long hair
High pitched tone ( female )
Barnsley Dialect less common than father.

Mum and Dad



  • Bag
  • Coat
  • Missing Poster
  • Girly Clothing

  • Equipment

    Shots and locations
    Girl Entering House
    Flashback from Argument
    Dad following her

    Thursday, 11 December 2014

    Sound effect library

    Creating a sound effect library will allow a range of sounds to be added in to the film during post production, some have already been recorded but the ones needed for the film are as follows:
    • hitting body - method of replication - Simply record the sound of the a fist hitting the body using the side of the hand so the boy isn't physically harmed. If you hit the upper leg the sound will be short and flat as there is allot of muscle. If you hit the chest the sound will be longer and resonate slightly.
    • body hitting car - method of replication - The sound should combine the body hit and a metallic sound, and could simply be a hands hitting a car, if the sound is lower pitch it may sound like a full body.
    • money being played with - method of replication - moving money around in a hand ( must replicate the same movement)
    • main road ambience - method of recording - Have a microphone next to a road with cars passing and trees moving in the wind. having a good length of a sound recording means that there can be a range of sections to be extracted, instead of being limited to what I can use.
    • nature (birds/trees/wind etc.) - method of recording - Leave a microphone outside to record the sounds of nature, including birds singing, wind and trees blowing in the wind.

    Altering the pitch of sounds such as the body hit would mimic the depth of the body and perhaps the clothing, this can also apply to the hitting of the car. The additional sound added in will give a sense of realism as the sound is expected in the film. The way that we shot the film meant the microphone was too far away from the audio to pick up.

    Monday, 8 December 2014

    Film Day 5 (includes risk assessment)

    Friday 5th December
    On this day we planned to film the extra scene due to watching all our previous stuff and seeing it was very long winded. We needed something to happen in between the walking home scene. We decided to include a scene involving a car and two men who the character owes money to. This scene would be incredibly hard to film as it contains some serious risks.

    Changes to Storyline
    Due to this added scene there was a slight change to storyline as to how the daughter would die, due to him being an alcoholic we decided to make him have a money debt with a gang who he gets drugs from and these people have killed his daughter but you don't find this out until the end. Lots of foreshadowing is placed to show his daughter has been killed but this adds suspicion to our film.


    • Close-up
    • Low angle
    • Long shot
    • Canted angle
    • Over the Shoulder
    • Point of View
    • Tracking

    Risk Assessment 
    •  Car scene -  issues are actor could get incredibly injured from the car if not done properly so we had to plan out how we would film this scene so the actor would have minimum possibility of being injured. To do this we filmed the car driving up to him and then another shot from behind the car so the car never actually hits him so the scene actually worked well.
    • Filming on a road so we had one group member stand watch for cars as we were filming fight scenes in the middle of the road.
    • Fight scene -  if acting went wrong someone could get hurt.
    • Car when driving around the bend couldn't see what was round the corner so someone had to shout when it was clear to actually start filming. Due to the bend the car could possibly have an accident not knowing whats around the corner.

    Character Profiles - Bad Guy 1/2

    Bad Guy 1

    Clothing - Black coat, Black T-shirt, Navy blue suede Shoes
    Height - 6,2"
    Age - 20
    Occupation - Drug Dealer/loan shark
    Personality traits - Agressive
    Role in film - "gangster 
    Race - Caucasian 
    Sex - Male
    Hair Colour - Light Brown

    Bad Guy 2

    Clothing - Black Hoodie, Bandana, Black Jeans, Trainers
    Height - 6,1"
    Age - 20
    Occupation - Criminal/loan shark
    Personality traits - Agressive
    Role in film - "gangster 
    Race - Caucasian 
    Sex - Male 
    Hair Colour - Brown

    Thursday, 4 December 2014

    Elliptical Editing

    (Possible) Shots Needed Update

    Thursday 4th December
    After the scenes we filmed, we began editing. Since editing we gathered the missing shots we need next time we film.
    Shots Missing

    • Close-up of bottles clashing 
    • Re-do waking up shot
    • Every shot needed for the Chase Scene
    Watching over the film we decided we need to add something in between the walking to the shop scene to make it more interesting. From an audience perspective the film is currently just the character walking with very little action.  Therefore we decided to add a scene.

    Possible Ideas
    • Guy steals his bag
    • Car pulls up revealing the secret to his depression (they killed his family)

    Tuesday, 25 November 2014

    Film Poster Analysis

    In Time Poster
     In time is an action film based on two main characters. Due to their being two main characters they are both displayed on the film poster. Their is a use of a prop to indicate what the film involves for example the gun and the numbers on his arm. The location is used as the background, with the title of the film in bold coloured letters placed at the bottom of the poster. Actor names are above the titles and producers and other titles are placed at the very bottom. The image takes up the whole poster with the text placed at the bottom not covering anything important in the scene.

    The Avengers
    The Avengers is a Fantasy film involving multiple action super heroes. The multiple main characters are all displayed equally on the poster. Location of the film is in the background with flames and dark colouring to display that the film as lots of explosions, action and makes the audience want to see the film. The colouring shows a sinister side to the film and much like most film posters the text is displayed at the bottom of the poster with actors names across the top. The title is in the films own typography placed near the bottom not covering anything important and stands out amongst everything else on the image.

    Total Recall

    Total Recall is a popular action thriller. This poster displays multiple images to display what happens in the film. The use of pixelation on the character and the use of small text 'whats is real' indicates a sense of un realism in the film and futuristic. As you can see from the other posters, nearly every one places the text and Title of the film at the bottom of the poster so the audience pay more attention to what is happening to get an idea of what the film is about. The colour contrasts against the film poster for example the title is easily visible and the colour matches the background with the grey skies.

    Monday, 24 November 2014

    Film Credits

    When adding our film credits we had two options to choose from, we could either have our credits at the start of our film shown with the films opening scenes, or we could have them added at the end of the film using the traditional style as shown below. 

    Both of these styles can be use to great effect but and both different styles could be used in our film. Many short films decide to have the credits on the opening scenes as they might not have a large cast list to display as more mainstream films will.

    Friday, 21 November 2014

    Editing Day 1

    Friday 21st November

    We had practically filmed most of the scenes needed to begin editing however one scene is still missing due to actress issues. All the beginning scene is coming together well however we are finding a few issues with props being the wrong way and also some shots are missing which you would expect to see if you were watching a professional film.

    Shots Missing

    • Close-up of bottle due to it being the wrong way round.
    • Close-up of actor placing posters.
    • Close- up of face when character falls.
    The shots mainly missing are close-ups, adding these will keep the shots flowing and not too boring. So the plan next would be to film the argument scene and all the missing shots.

    Film Day 4

    Today we arrived on location at cameron's house with every member of the group, we had the props required to film the other scenes not involving the little girl. The initial plan was to film all the poster scenes. We did this but were unable to move forward after because all that is left is the little girl scenes. So therefore we need to plan a day at the weekend where everyone is available. Productive day but we are now able to start editing on a later date.

    Location used

    • Cameron's House
    • Cameron's estate
    • Pedestrians coming into shots.
    • Cars and vans parking ruining continuity.
    • Lack of group cooperation.
    • Cameron Farrell
    Shots Used
    • Pan
    • Over the Shoulder
    • Long Shots
    • Low angle
    • Tilt
    • Close-up

    Thursday, 20 November 2014

    Viral Advertising Research

    Viral advertising is the use of media to advertise a product cheaply for example using social networking such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube e.t.c. Viral advertising is a cheap way of using technologies for brand awareness. Many companies use viral ads due to the fact technologies are popular so social networks are more likely to gain more views for a brand so the use of videos and flyers or games have a huge impact on the audience.

    Videos are a main use for viral advertising as this is seen over YouTube, Facebook and other places. This is an example of Evian and Spiderman using each other to promote their brand, so Spiderman advertises the film at the same time as Evian water.

    Another example would be James Bond as this involves a machine which gets you involved with the film for example a 'james bond' experience. This is also an entertaining video so this video also advertises as it will become popular at the same time as promoting the film.

    One of the biggest viral campaigns would be The Dark Knight. This contained a range of videos, games, flyers, actual audience involvement, Phone campaigns e.t.c this was a huge hit as worldwide audiences got involved and the film had a huge profit from this.

    Film Day 3

    Today we had three group members turn up to film, So we all gathered at the location 'Cameron's house' where we then set up to film. Due to a slight weather change we re-filmed the shot of the character walking out of the house onto the street so that we had continuity and the lighting didn't change when we edited. the plan was to film all the extra scene including the shop as the actress was still at school so we were un able to film the scene including her. The day was productive as we managed to film all the way to the shop and get quite a few different shots in.

    • When filming the shot where the character leaves the house, the door was supposed to shut however the door had actually got stiff so it wouldn't shut properly so we had to fix it using a lubricant.
    • The actress wasn't available.
    • We had left some props behind so set us back as we weren't able to film this scene.
    • Bins were on the street so we had to make sure they weren't seen on the way there and didn't see them on the way back so we had continuity.
    • Cameron's House
    • Cameron's Estate
    • Huddersfield road
    • Shop
    • Cameron Farrell
    Shots Used
    • Pan
    • Low angle
    • Tracking shot (in car)
    • Canted angle
    • Close-up
    • Point of View
    • High angle
    • Tilt

    What's next
    • Still to film the scene including the little girl.
    • Editing current scenes, to see if there are any issues with the clips.
    • Blogwork

    Monday, 17 November 2014

    Week 2 film plan in accordance with the weather

    Here is the forecast for the week. As the weather is fairly consistent for the week this will be a good week to film in. As a group we have concluded that we will film on Tuesday, Thursday and Friday; the weather can be unpredictable so we have chosen multiple days to film avoid a loss of time and lack of progression.
    The similar conditions in the weather mean that we can have continuity with the shots taken on each day, following this post we will have plans on what to do on the individual filming days. Within this picture there is a prediction of rain which is the biggest problem for the filming equipment but we will avoid this to our best capabilities.

    Friday, 14 November 2014

    Film Pack Day 1

    Character Needed

     John Mathews -  actor Cameron Farrell
    • Brown Hair
    • Height 6ft
    • Blue/brown eyes
    • Average Build
    • Informal Casual clothes
    • Scruffy Hair
    • Facial Hair
    Barnsley Dialect
    • No Wife - Dead
    • One child - Daughter - Dead
    British White

    Current Job Status

    Laid Off

    Health Status



    • Bag
    • Bottles
    • Photos
    • Missing Poster
    • Coat
    • Camera 
    • Tripod
    Shot Plan
    • Point of View -  Actor wakes up
    • High angle
    • Mid Shot
    • Pan of Room
    • Long Shot
    • Close-up of bag
    • Close-up of door handle
    • Mid shot through bannister

    Filming Day 2

    Friday 14th November
    This day all group members were available for 2 hours so we intended to film more scenes. However, we didn't pre plan this film day so unfortunately the weather had turned with a horrid down poor so we are now unable to film which is a set back to the rate at which we were getting things done. Also, we now need to plan forward on the weather forecasts for the days we need to film and also work around actors and actresses. So we need to film after 2:30 pm through the week and maybe the weekends. For today the two group members which are here are continuing with blog work and planning.

    Filming Day 1

    Thursday 13th November
    We had progressed to the stage where we began filming. We set up location with props and got the actor ready to start filming with costume and hair e.t.c. Initially we set up first shots starting in the living room where we also had another camera filming behind the scenes for how we set up shots. Using the focus on the camera we created a point of view shot of the characters eyes opening and closing to show him waking up.  Due to the actress being at school we had to film the beginning scenes which didn't involve her. It was a productive first day of filming as we managed to film up to the character leaving the house.

    Issues with Filming
    • Actress was at school so we had limited parts to film.
    • Most props weren't available as some were left behind.
    • Some shots were challenging as we didn't have the correct equipment so we had to improvise and try create the shot we wanted which was time consuming.

    Monday, 10 November 2014

    Production Diary

    24th October
    We are still continuing with blog work.

    27th October
    The filming of the journey sequence is starting to take place and we will be finishing this next lesson.

    3rd November 
    We have edited our journey that we filmed before half term and is getting ready to upload to youtube.

    10th November
    Our blog work is coming to an end and we are getting ready to film. We have completed all group tasks and are moving onto the individual research. We are looking to film on Thursday. We have also started to make a filming diary.

    13th November

    This was the first day of filming. We filmed the begining of the film inside the house and the male character walking towards the shop.

    20th November 

    This was a week later and we have filmed

    Thursday, 6 November 2014

    Viral Advertising

    Viral advertising is the use of using social media and the internet to promote a new product. This is a very cheap way to promote the new release as it does not cost anything to make social media account such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube etc.

      A successful way of promoting new releases can   be in different ways such as online videos, hunts in set locations of the film.

    Batman the Dark Knight Rises used a viral advertising method of a hunt in a city. They used clues around the city and at the end of the hunt they saw a billboard with the date of release.

    Monday, 3 November 2014

    Credits Research

    Credits are mainly used at the end of a film to show everyone who is involved in the film from the production to music e.t.c. Character names and the actor playing them will be shown also. Some credits involve just a black screen with scrolling white text where as others tend to be more adventurous with moving images and in some cases bloopers often used in comedies.

    An example of a simple set of credits would be 'Remember Me' which is a Romantic film has just a black screen and white scrolling text. Accompanying this is a slow quite emotional sound track as the credits are shown.

    Comedies use credits accompanied by bloopers to add to the humour of the film for example shown in Talladega Nights. Credits are shown along the bottom of the clips to make the credits less boring and people tend to pay more attention to the end credits.

    Similar Film Credits
    A similar film to ours 'Butterfly Effect'

    Tuesday, 21 October 2014

    Problems with weather

    Weather forecasts will need to be monitored in advance for filming because there may be issues. Another problem with the weather may be that filming on a day that is different to the rest of the weeks weather would be an issue because you would need to wait for a similar day, for example, snow is uncommon so filming on a day that it is snowing would me

    Rain is one of the main problems with filming because water can damage electrical equipment and this is a big problem especially with expensive equipment that it difficult to replace. Rain can also lead to slippery surfaces which may cause injury and again damaged equipment.

    Credit Research

    Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
    I really like the way that this has trasitions inbetween the credits and the animation. The way that the music also fits in with the animation is effective. I feel that we could use this idea by having original music in the background but also use different aspects and connotations to the film into the end credits.

     Transformers: Age of Extinction 
    This is a simple end credits. The use of a black background and white text is very simple and easy to make. It has been made with music to tie it all together. I do not like this idea for our end credits as i feel that it would be very boring and too simple. 

    22 Jump Street
    This end credits uses the bloopers from their film. I feel that this is a very good idea as it is simple to make and it is not a waste of film it can also be a unique way of using the film footage. 

    Thursday, 16 October 2014

    Issues With Filming

    • One main issue we will have when filming would be the added shop scene, we would need permission to film in the shop we choose and be able to be filmed buying alcohol. Luckily we have a member of the group who is legal enough to buy alcohol so we would just need the permission. 
    • If we leave the posters after filming there is the chance people could believe them so we would need to make sure we have gathered them all.
    • Walking around with alcohol with underaged people could be bad if the police see you they could pull you to the side.
    • Have to have written permission from the mum of the young actress to be able to have her in the film and to also use her house as the location.

    Monday, 6 October 2014

    Individual- Title Sequence Research

    This title sequence for the film Seven cleverly uses a fast paced montage to create the effect of the film. The way that this is conveyed is the use of the black and white this create enigma. The use of this also shows the typical conventions of a physiological thriller. I feel like this could be a good idea for our film as we could create a montage of the key elements used in the film. such as the missing poster, alcohol, the young girl etc.

    New added film ideas

    Due to the possibilities of the film being shorter than the expected duration we had to come up with extra ideas for the film. We decided to add two more scenes ;

    • John makes his way to the shop and purchases more alcohol
    • Newspaper article flashes up with Headline Saying 'Girl Found Dead' (still undecided on death)
    • The idea of ending where it starts so he has dreamed all this and decides to commit suicide 

    Friday, 26 September 2014

    Physiological Thriller- Mise en Scene


    In Physiological Thrillers the costumes are usually just normal everyday clothing in a more modern type of film. However, in an older film there would be blood, gore and dark clothing used. Sometimes white. I think that this is to show innocence in the potential victim. Also, in films the use of children also shows this too. This is then the same with Make-Up. The more modern the film the less make up it gets because of the way technology is modernised and being updated.
    • Security Guards 
    • Everyday People 
    • A Protagonist 
    • Antagonist
    • Doctors/Nurses

    Typical doctors and nurses are used to portray innocence and the way that they are helping others. They are used in this genre in order for the innocence to be manipulated in many different ways such as a killer etc.

    Lighting- Typically used in a Physiological Thriller

    • Digital colour correction
    • Dim lighting (back lighting)
    • Shadows- to create suspense 
    • Ultra violet- 'blue light'  
    • Hard light- harshness, clearly illuminates and brings out detail. 
    • Soft light- covers a wider area with more diffused light. 
    • Chiaroscuro- a strong contrast with bright light and shadow with a small amount of grey scale. This is used to add enigma to a scene. 

    Props are needed in order to create a realistic story and narrative.  Props are used normally to indicate evil, death and pain. Such things like knifes, guns, ropes, masks etc. These things help in setting the film and in setting the themes and genres of a particular film. This also helps the atmosphere and ambience of the film. Props play a significant part in a film in helping to tell a certain story. They are also used by the actors as equipment.  They tell a story without words and express the thoughts and feelings of the characters.


    • Woods 
    • Houses
    • Derelict Landscapes
    • Abandoned Towns
    • Warehouses, anything abandoned and open.
    • Hospitals 
    • Mental institutions 

    Prop Research

    Prop List

    Empty Beer Boxes

    Beer Cans

    Empty Bottles

    These three props are mainly going to be used to display the characters physical state. for example many films use things like these to portray a alcoholic. We would use the props in the location we choose to show that he is an alcoholic and his mental state isn't very good.

    Ash Tray

    Ash Tray is also another prop we would use to display a characters state as usually smoking is a sign of depression and the quantity of cigarettes could display this.


    Drugs will be used in our film when the character commits suicide, so the use of drugs isn't to portray him as an addict but to show he overdoses his prescription.


    The use of keys is when the character opens the door but drops his keys then struggles to pick them up adding to his physical state creating sympathy from the audience.

    Childs Drawing 

    This will be used near the ending when he enters his daughters room and picks up a happy poster remembering what it used to be like before he kills himself. where the last shot to show he dies is when the picture falls from his hand.

    Missing Poster

    This is a main prop in the film to show the characters mental state as his daughter is dead but he puts missing posters up showing his mind is going from the guilt and the alcohol.

    Back Pack

    Typical Genre Make-up

    The make-up of the psychological horror genre can be very varied from film to film. The 'normal' characters in the film, usually the ones who are being tormented, have little to no make up, just as any other character. This allows us to associate more with them as an audience in some cases as we can put ourselves in their shoes easier when they look like an everyday person.

    The 'villain' of the film usually has pale facial features and black contacts can also be used in some cases to as a demonic representation. In our film we wont be using make up to this effect but we will still try to make uses of it when applicable.