Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Friday, 12 December 2014

Title Sequence Research

Similar Film - Butterfly Effect

This is a title sequence for a similar film to ours, 'Butterfly Effect'. Intense music plays in the background and actor names and titles are in a written style onto a paper background. It doesn't give much away in the title sequence so it leaves you in suspicion for what the film is about. The first thing we see is the production company 'FILMENGINE presents'.

Se7en Title Sequence

Much like other title sequences it opens with the production company 'New Line Cinema' with a dark sinister music playing in the background giving suggestion of a horror type film. It sets up a audience expectation before the film starts when it has dark images for example the guy scraping skin. Off balanced images are placed behind blurred text to give an assumption off confusion in the film.

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