In time is an action film based on two main characters. Due to their being two main characters they are both displayed on the film poster. Their is a use of a prop to indicate what the film involves for example the gun and the numbers on his arm. The location is used as the background, with the title of the film in bold coloured letters placed at the bottom of the poster. Actor names are above the titles and producers and other titles are placed at the very bottom. The image takes up the whole poster with the text placed at the bottom not covering anything important in the scene.
The Avengers
The Avengers is a Fantasy film involving multiple action super heroes. The multiple main characters are all displayed equally on the poster. Location of the film is in the background with flames and dark colouring to display that the film as lots of explosions, action and makes the audience want to see the film. The colouring shows a sinister side to the film and much like most film posters the text is displayed at the bottom of the poster with actors names across the top. The title is in the films own typography placed near the bottom not covering anything important and stands out amongst everything else on the image.
Total Recall
Total Recall is a popular action thriller. This poster displays multiple images to display what happens in the film. The use of pixelation on the character and the use of small text 'whats is real' indicates a sense of un realism in the film and futuristic. As you can see from the other posters, nearly every one places the text and Title of the film at the bottom of the poster so the audience pay more attention to what is happening to get an idea of what the film is about. The colour contrasts against the film poster for example the title is easily visible and the colour matches the background with the grey skies.