Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Evaluation Question 2

How effective is the combination of your main media product and the ancillary texts?

From the main brief we were aiming to produce a high quality 5 minute short film. We aimed to create a psychological thriller to demonstrate a downfall of the main character. We were trying to achieve an emotional effect on the audience to feel sympathy for this character. This is also achieved within the two advertising products, the radio trailer and poster. It is achieved in the poster as It demonstrates a blurred image of a little girl who is the main characters daughter. This demonstrates what he's lost through gambling and creates sympathy from the audience. The radio trailer gives away a brief example of how he lost everything when you hear the words 'all in' which demonstrates how he put everything on the line. The car engine noise shows how the film makes the audience think about what could be happening in this scene which is also a good technique for advertising the product as it means they will want to know what is happening.
The two products are effective in selling our product as it creates that emotional effect we want to create for our character in the film. The poster demonstrates a little girl with a blurred face which suggest a sinister storyline which is suggested from the title 'Unhinged'. This is similar with the radio trailer as it shows sounds of rustling, car engines and also script. All these features help sell the product as it says 'All In' which makes the audience want to know what the character risked.

c) Make comparisons with real advertising products.

Our radio trailer in comparison to mainstream trailers has a very professional standard. It displays many features which the others have for example brief sounds from the film to give away what is happening for example the car engine. But also we have a voice over explaining what the storyline is and when the film is released. Many trailers are different in some perspectives as there isn't really a narrative voice over in some but trailers such as taken which refers to the popular 'I will find you, I will kill you' line is similar to ours as ours say 'he has nothing else left to loose'. This is a key line to what the characters situation is. So our trailer does fit its purpose of advertising our product as it has the conventions of many other trailers.

In addition to this our poster created a very professional look as it displayed many aspects of film posters such as ratings from magazines and also all the production names along the bottom. The font of the title refers to the film unhinged as it isn't normal and suggests to the audience to think what isn't normal. Our logo's give it a professional look too as it shows we are professional.

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