Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Friday, 13 March 2015

Film Poster Draft

Film poster

This is a basic concept for my film poster idea, I tried to encorporate some of the films story into it and kept to a basic font to not reveal anything of the film. 

Tuesday, 3 March 2015

Responses from our questionnaire

When creating our film we had to consider the audience in both pre production as well as postproduction. To ensure we always took the audiences views into consideration we made questionnaires and collected responses from our target age using Google docs and asking people to fill them in via social media.

We found out from our research that the storyline of our film was easy enough to understand and people could follow it.

The responses concerning our film genre are exactly what we wanted and most people agreed that our film was being marketed as the right genre of film. When we asked people what they would change in the film the answers conflicted to a degree so we made a decision as a group not to change any aspects of this other than to add more shots of the chase/car scene in editing. We also hit our goal in relation to people’s views on our main character “John”, other than the one comment saying they viewed him as ‘aggressive’ we managed to portray him as a victim rather than a villain.


We also found that the main target gender would be more male than female. This meant that we could cater our advertising and editing more towards a male audience. We did this by editing from a male gaze and catering our advertising for males the best we could.
People also agreed that the films age range was around 16-24 this is suitable due to the fact that our films age rating is 15 and also our advertising is catered towards this audience.