Group picture

Group picture
cameron is spiderman thats why he wasn't here for the picture

Tuesday, 21 October 2014

Problems with weather

Weather forecasts will need to be monitored in advance for filming because there may be issues. Another problem with the weather may be that filming on a day that is different to the rest of the weeks weather would be an issue because you would need to wait for a similar day, for example, snow is uncommon so filming on a day that it is snowing would me

Rain is one of the main problems with filming because water can damage electrical equipment and this is a big problem especially with expensive equipment that it difficult to replace. Rain can also lead to slippery surfaces which may cause injury and again damaged equipment.

Credit Research

Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs 2
I really like the way that this has trasitions inbetween the credits and the animation. The way that the music also fits in with the animation is effective. I feel that we could use this idea by having original music in the background but also use different aspects and connotations to the film into the end credits.

 Transformers: Age of Extinction 
This is a simple end credits. The use of a black background and white text is very simple and easy to make. It has been made with music to tie it all together. I do not like this idea for our end credits as i feel that it would be very boring and too simple. 

22 Jump Street
This end credits uses the bloopers from their film. I feel that this is a very good idea as it is simple to make and it is not a waste of film it can also be a unique way of using the film footage. 

Thursday, 16 October 2014

Issues With Filming

  • One main issue we will have when filming would be the added shop scene, we would need permission to film in the shop we choose and be able to be filmed buying alcohol. Luckily we have a member of the group who is legal enough to buy alcohol so we would just need the permission. 
  • If we leave the posters after filming there is the chance people could believe them so we would need to make sure we have gathered them all.
  • Walking around with alcohol with underaged people could be bad if the police see you they could pull you to the side.
  • Have to have written permission from the mum of the young actress to be able to have her in the film and to also use her house as the location.

Monday, 6 October 2014

Individual- Title Sequence Research

This title sequence for the film Seven cleverly uses a fast paced montage to create the effect of the film. The way that this is conveyed is the use of the black and white this create enigma. The use of this also shows the typical conventions of a physiological thriller. I feel like this could be a good idea for our film as we could create a montage of the key elements used in the film. such as the missing poster, alcohol, the young girl etc.

New added film ideas

Due to the possibilities of the film being shorter than the expected duration we had to come up with extra ideas for the film. We decided to add two more scenes ;

  • John makes his way to the shop and purchases more alcohol
  • Newspaper article flashes up with Headline Saying 'Girl Found Dead' (still undecided on death)
  • The idea of ending where it starts so he has dreamed all this and decides to commit suicide